Sunday, August 21, 2016

Waste vs. Waste

I was taught to finish my plate and to take less because I could always get more later. I unfortunately translated this into getting lots, finishing, getting more and finishing that too. For some reason the getting more became a challenge similar to that of reaching the spectacular view found at the peak of a strenuous mountain climb. I believe in not wasting food but I have been working on changing the definition. I realized a long time ago that I was wasting food even if I consumed it if I ate something when I was full. I love how Lindsay talks about there being enough food and that we don't need to worry in the same way previous generations did. Not to say we should pile up our trash cans with no thoughts regarding being responsible. Some may argue this issue but I stand firm, none the less, as it is what works for me. Everyone can agree that taking less (even 1/2 as much) as you think you'll eat to start along with noticing when you're satisfied and stopping is a healthy and responsible policy. This morning I put back 1/3 of the oatmeal I dished myself before I even started when I couldn't finish it I saved it in a plastic container for tomorrow. Last night I made broccoli/cauliflower with cheese sauce and ate it very slowly for two reasons: one because it is actually better when it's not too steamy, and 2 because it is very filling and going slow helped me notice when I was done.


Lindsay talks about cravings and their Physical Triggers: Nutrient deficiencies, Lack of sleep, Hormonal changes, Seasonality, Addiction, Survival Instincts, and Restriction. I have been craving "filling up" it's like I'm missing the sensation of being full the way junk food fills you. I ordered Chinese one night this past week and enjoyed filling myself with saucey vegetables and lean meats. I'm sure I had enough sodium and protein for a month and it 'felt' great! Yesterday morning I craved twirling spaghetti (Restriction), it's weird how it wasn't even really the eating as much as it was the twirling. I tend to crave chocolate monthly and that has been the case the last couple of nights, I could say this is hormonal but it's honestly 5% hormonal, 30% stress, 30% addiction, and 35% 'Seasonality'. She Also writes about emotional triggers, I hope to share more on those in a later post.


A celebration discovery this week is noticing the first bite. For example in the morning I'm hungry and I enjoy making myself a delicious meal of oatmeal w/ peanut butter & fruit or eggs with fruit. I sit down with my meal and I stare at it for a moment and then take the first bite slowly noticing everything that I love about it. It is wonderfully satisfying like the warm greeting of a loved one you haven't seen for a long time. When I pay attention it is a deeply pleasurable moment at each meal.


Another celebration this is week is that a colleague I don't know very well included me in a group offer to walk with her after work. I jumped at the chance to get to know her better and to be more active. I have been hoping for someone to walk with and I feel this is a blessing from above. We have our first walking date set for tomorrow after work.


My intentions had a great week with starting school, it really is helping for me to think  and visualize what I'm going to do when I get home. I noticed that I need to eat nuts/seeds after work as they are easy to eat and give me the energy I need at that time of the day. As I shared earlier this week I say often to myself "I'm not going to starve."


  1. I really appreciate this post. The first paragraph puts into words how I also deal with food. Must: eat! finish plate! make sure I get My Fair Share!
    Not a healthy way to be sure; I think you are really giving me things to ponder.

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