Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I believe in having someone you can share your goals with, Lindsay encourages it as well in her book Meant to Eat. I have this Blog, Blog comments, and my sisters. Yesterday when I first checked my phone I realized Lindsay Rineholt had included this Blog in her newsletter and shared it on Facebook. A great way to start the day and more accountability, win win!


I am feeling good lately because I realized I have been looking in the mirror at myself again. I had been sort of mad and ashamed of 'me and my choices' and so was avoiding looking at myself. I didn't like what and who I saw. It feels really good to be on better terms with me.


I have been discouraged that my clothes aren't getting loose. How can I fit into my capris and yet my jeans feel the same? When I've measured weight-loss in the past it tends to be that I gain and lose all over. Others gain all in the middle. I need to believe in this process and my relationship with food becoming healthy, but it's hard to not be focused on "results". Feeling not size!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Friday morning to you!
    Here is a quick thought - Although when I start making good food choices I want immediate results! Now! What are we waiting (weighting?) for! My more rational self does know that health experts say that a slow weight loss is better. I love that your capris fit! I love that you recognize that you are looking at yourself again and with compassion. I love that you are sharing!
    I'm kinda jealous that you lose all over since if I lose weight, it comes off my face first as if that is helpful for my lack of wearable school clothes.
