Friday, August 27, 2021



Positive Thought Cycle  

I am learning and growing at all times yes there are waves, but I am a teachable vessel. My teachability requires me to do new things and because I take risks I continue to make slips. Part of my teachability is shown when I own these slips, get up, and try again. I aim to notice the victories as well and give myself credit with each task checked off. I don't have to like the backsliding or the lazy sad days of unproductive self but I also don't have to wallow in self-pity. I choose the way I narrate my story, and what my next steps will be.

Downton Brought Me Upton 😉

I've been reframing my should talk into asking myself 'why do I think this?' or making positive statements such as I feel better when I _________. I realized that I like to work then play or better put I like to create then relax. To me the ultimate relaxing is watching a movie or video. This renews me. Lately, it has manifested itself in creating/working at preparations for my two new to me courses then in the evenings and weekends I've been binge-watching Downton Abby. This pattern and knowledge of it have brought my soul up and given me direction during the day in a way that I haven't felt in a while.

Hope for Today 

Today I read 100 Days to Brave -Day Fifty-Seven.  In this entry, Annie F. Downs challenged me to hold on to hope or in other words, hopelessness is not my story. -- Even though my current position or status is new and I'm awkward at it I hold on to the hope that I can do it and that I'll get better with practice. I choose to hope. Is there someone you trust that you can tell them if you are barely holding on?  Reach out to someone close to you and share your hope whether you are feeling sure-footed or if you are barely holding on. Below is the link to
a song that brings a message of encouragement.

Hold Onto Hope Love  -- song by Amy Stroup

Thanks for reading.
Stay well,

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Fly Like an Eagle

August 3

As the lyrics go time keeps on slipping into the future -- am I wasting it? last week at my counselor visit I heard myself saying this and also taking note that I am afraid that I am wasting time and yet at the same time I don't think having fun or resting are a waste of time. 

Making Goals to drive my days/weeks/months ahead

I really stepped out (bravely?) to quit my job it bothers me that I don't contribute financially and yet I have no desire to do more than the bare minimum when it comes to house cleaning which makes me feel ashamed.

What do I want to do? (nothing) is that really true? I do enjoy relaxing and watching videos but mostly the satisfaction of that is after I have accomplished something for the day and have 'earned' it. 

I don't have a hobby or activity I want to do to drive my day  -- I like to write for myself and I don't mind sharing especially when it comes to reflecting on myself as I navigate the world.  

August 22

Have you ever been burned out and not even realized it until you heard someone say something you used to say? Or maybe they brought a breath of fresh air to a room and suddenly you realized the room needed freshening because of the funk you were in?

Currently, I have 2 part-time jobs one is a one-credit face-to-face class for freshman education majors where I am the teacher and the other is one where I am an assistant teacher for an online graduate course where the students are teachers in various fields working on their master's degree. In short, I have students who are at both ends of the spectrum and are all very inspiring in their own way. We just finished the first week and that means we've only had time for introductions but I found all of them to be very uplifting and good for my soul. Each in their own way showed examples of wholehearted living. The freshman because they are stepping into the great unknown and are willing to explore and be brave with people and things they don't know. The graduate students because they have plans that require them to do more than just enough to get by. 

I'm about halfway through reading Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection -- where she addresses wholehearted living. The wholehearted life requires paying attention and being authentic, keeping in mind that these are both daily decisions that take practice. I'm beginning my practice. How about you?

What lifts your soul? what feeds you? 

Thanks for reading,

Stay well,
