Monday, February 27, 2017

Weekend Update

Ate too much chicken Friday
Packed my lunch Saturday for all day concession
Made good choice at Mexican restaurant Sunday, went on 2 hour walk, and made butterscotch pudding

Saturday, February 18, 2017

"A sandwich, an apple, and a pack of NABs" -Hugh Nelson Billhimer

Today's title quote is the lunch my Dad packed (and frequently talked about) for years when I was a kid. We laughed about it as a family often and it still makes me smile now. Hard to explain how this somewhat simple lunch could be noteworthy. All I can say is that my Dad had a way of making ordinary things fun. In case you don't know NABs are sandwich crackers made up of peanut butter between 2 bright orange cheesey crackers wrapped up in a 4 or 6 pack. I believe the name is for a popular brand but any flavor or brand is still referred to as NABs. I bring this up because I was thinking about it on my way to work while I also pondered my own successful afternoon ride home snack on an apple, a hunk of cheese, and a few peanuts. This ride home snack has been followed lately by a nice long walk with my dog when I get home. The weather has been unseasonably warm joined with the longer days -- the joy of the anticipation of spring.


I did have one slice of Supreme pizza last Monday (posted earlier about this) as I ate with co-workers. I savored every wonderful bite, I wanted more but was glad later I stopped at one.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Alone Time -- Possible Pizza

With my husband away my eating would normally be greasy, potatoes, chip ,popcorn driven. Instead I've been trying some new recipes that would probably not interest him.
  • Flourless chickpea and peanut butter pancakes (a little beany after taste but did satisfy my craving and curiosity-- I actually had a dream about them before I made them)
  • Cauliflower pizza dough as previously posted but subbing in frozen broccoli/cauliflower "rice" saving tons of time and messy cleanup (texture is a bit chunkier but set-up well)
  • Salmon in homemade mushroom soup ( I'm my father's daughter, I love all things fish)
I've also done plenty of snacking on kale chops and dried peas and beans (leftover from my Super Bowl "party") and ice cream with fudge sauce.

I'm a bit unsure about Monday. Our school is hosting an all county schools' band day. I will be taking our guest conductor to Pizza Hut. I hope to order salad bar with the backup plan of one slice of pizza (if for some reason that's awkward etc).

I lately feel really good about my size. I don't feel like I'm on a diet and yet I'm not gaining weight either. My energy and flexibility are very good. I'm not winded after directing the band or straining to clip my toe nails. I look forward to focusing more on amounts of food after this year is up. As I've mentioned, and it is very worth repeating, I'm so glad my dog gets me and my husband moving (and laughing).

Saturday, February 4, 2017

No Sugar or Caffeine for 3 Days

I am on my 3rd day with no sugar or coffee (I usually put cream and sugar in my daily drink)

I have avoided all the obvious sugars both natural and artificial

I have avoided caffeine 

I have not had gum or fruit


I have felt fine, hungrier at lunch especially, but I think this has more to do with me having been sick recently.

I am very much looking forward to drinking coffee tomorrow morning with some of my pumpkin bread.

I am also looking forward to buying some fun veggy snacks today for the Super Bowl tomorrow night - I'll probably get some cheesy kale chips and other stuff like that I've posted about.

In conclusion I don't have a physical addiction to caffeine or sugar but I do use them to ease life's challenges and to soothe myself, something I want to pay attention to. I have been eating battered fried fish and chicken, not often but I'm not avoiding it either--they've lately been an ongoing "exception." My true goal is to be viceless, a goal that continues to challenge me as I realize more and more how the line between enjoying food and abusing it is often greyed in my mind and actions.