Monday, August 19, 2019

Two YouTubers Who Inspire Me

Good Morning Blogg,

While the internet and more specifically social media have their downsides to them I have found some solid positives. In the past couple of years I have continued to grow my YouTube subscribed list and while it is an activity I need to moderate two channels have recently given me a real boost and I am excited to share them.

The first is Sierra Schultzzie. She is a 23-year-old self-labeled mid-size woman whose main message is body positivity. She often uses fashion as a venue. Anyone who looks into my sparse wardrobe knows I am not someone who focuses on my personal fashion but I admire others who do. More importantly, though I love her energy and raw wise insights. I wish I could send her to myself 30 years ago. She is a fun young woman who is not afraid to share deeply about her struggles. I deeply relate. More often she shares about her victories on mindset and this gets me pumped! 

Here is a link to one of her more popular videos where she tries on size 12 jeans in many different stores and reviews the fit:
Title of the video: Trying a Size 12 at 12 Different Stores!
Sierra gets real about her feelings while at the store Hollister: 4'20"

The second channel is Clean and Delicious with Dani Spies. I'm not sure of her age but I'd guess she's in her 40's. Most of her channel is recipes. Dani's recipes are a whole food approach with a lot of meal prep. At times she will feature certain dietary philosophies such as vegan or gluten-free eating. Dani has also shared her own struggle with body image and eating and is very open about her journey and hearing about others. One of her older videos that resonated with me is about setting goals.
the title of the video is: 

Weight Loss Tips: The Secret to Setting A Weight Loss Goal (Or Any Goal)

Thanks for reading and as always share in the comments anyone/things that inspire you and/or your thoughts on the people/videos I shared.

With much love,
Amy B.

Friday, August 9, 2019


Hello Readers,
I have made some changes lately and I am feeling really good physically and emotionally about them. For the past two years, I have put on a lot of weight but have not been ready to do anything about it. I have not been upset with myself but rather I really have just let myself "be" ok with this choice. I took a diet from dieting. I really do not want my health to be driven by aesthetics but rather more about how I feel inside. However, I had gotten to the point of, once again, not wanting to look at myself in the mirror. It's a balance. How I look does play into my confidence and ultimately my health. It is a "vital sign" if you will.

On July 7th (2019) I made a decision to make some changes regarding my eating choices. This decision included me purchasing a phone app that charges me a little over a $1/day and includes: daily behavior science readings/coaching, group check-ins, daily food logging, weigh-ins, exercise logs, and more. It has been very helpful as a tool. I have avoided the scale for years but am currently using it as "A" means of measuring my health. (It is down 13 pounds btw!) I am excited that I have had a mind-shift and that I am in a place of better body care. I can already look at myself in the mirror, tie my shoes w/o problems, and have a feeling of pride in the choices I make each day.

With all this positive I do have a lot of nervousness about facing people (See Oct 5, 2016 post  "maybe you'll keep the weight off THIS TIME" ) and also about not being able to maintain this mindset. The app readings are REALLY helping me understand my triggers and motivations (both physical and psychological). This knowledge is extremely helpful and I love how it is telling me not to 'give up' any foods or consider them bad. My yearlong journey of previous posts 2016-2017 was never about that either but it did sort-of play into that mindset in some ways.

The scale is going down and I do love that and I am starting to fit into the dresses I bought in early 2017 which is so wonderful as well. But more importantly I feel so much better, I am trying to focus on that the most.

I have not decided if I will continue Blogging this journey or not...comments may sway me. If I can help anyone at all I would really love to know and will gladly jump into this Blog regularly.