Monday, January 18, 2021

Happy 2021 Readers!

Common Sense Tips

The below list is based on things that were modeled to me as a child and what I've learned since establishing a home of my own. One reason I started this list is that, while doing some extra sorting and cleaning during my recent Christmas break, I noticed a few habits I have. Additionally, my husband and I are in the process of establishing a room in our home and so we've been rearranging some furniture. The repurposed room will soon be an office/bedroom space that used to be my son's room when he lived with us. If by any chance you feel inspired please share your tips. One last thought, I'm currently experimenting with salad preparation mostly centered around ways to prep lettuce ahead and using a salad spinner so that I can efficiently make side salads something we have on a regular basis.
  • set things out ahead, in other words, make a big task into many smaller ones 
  • stay in one room until the task is done 
  • dressing for the snow/wind/very cold temperatures: long johns tucked in, socks, warm pants, sweatshirt, outer gear such as coat, gloves hat, scarf 
  • keep things somewhat spaced out and in groupings according to how they are used ie  "Don't crowd me kid!" -HNB
  • being organized is often safer and always helpful when you are in a rush

Upcoming Blog Themes 

My goal is to post about twice a month using the following sources as my inspiration:
  • Mind The Road Back to You (The Enneagram) Ian Morgan Cronn and Suzanne Stabile
  • Body The Don't Diet  Dani Spies 
  • Spirit  Mercy Triumphs (James)  Beth Moore and Melissa Moore Fitzpatrick

Stay well.
Thanks for reading,