Thursday, August 11, 2016


Lindsay Reinholt brings up some good thoughts when she discusses the way intentions support our goals. She states that goal-setting, "has everything to do with the end result" while intention-setting, "has more to do with how well your daily choices match up with your values...[intentions aren't] "as black and white as goals are." In an earlier post I decided I would look at my monthly sub-goals daily by having them in a calendar reminder on my phone, this has been a great way to start the day. Lindsay writes that the use of Bible verses or other sacred words could help keep you mindful of your intentions, they should be "aligned with your goals" I love these examples she gives:

  • I intend to love food 
  • I intend to release myself from guilt
  • I intend to choose more colorful foods           -Lindsay Reinholt -Meant to Eat
I'm adding these to her list:
  • I intend to savor each bite, especially when I'm extremely hungry (Hunger Scale 5)
  • I intend to do other activities when I get home from work other than just eat and sit
  • I intend to visualize myself at home when I get in the car at work: making good choices etc.
  • I intend to nurture my positive self-talk without becoming self-indulgent or allowing self-pity
  • I intend to read/ponder this post at the end of each work day to remind myself of my intentions
  • I intend to notice and forgive myself when I don't live my intentions - I am a work in progress
Lindsay makes the suggestion that we start with one intention and keep it somewhere to be strategically seen at the moments when we need it. I'm going with my 9 intentions above as I feel they are all attainable, I have already enjoyed success with some similar intentions recently (daily phone reminders).


Woot woot! in two days it will have been a full month since I started my quest! I'm loving the challenge. I said I would focus on feelings and I am feeling great. My mental outlook has been much more active and sunnier. I love going to bed knowing I have made good decisions that I believe in. I love waking up knowing I have a plan. I struggle at times with self-doubts but I also have seen victories in that area as well. I'm excited to continue this journey. I love that I'm working on not allowing myself to abuse food, to love it in physically and emotionally healthy ways. I love the intentions I've listed above, they are things that I can do right away. 

I am going back to school in 4 days, the retreat is over and I will have some new obstacles and challenges ahead of me: facing more people, busier times, exhaustion, working concession stand and frequent late nights/weekends. With this time also comes many positives: I will be more active that will lead to positive physical changes in my body. I will be busy and productive in ways that lead me to better mental health as I feel like I'm making a difference in the other's lives. 

There will be times when my intentions will be put to the tests.
I will decide to forgive myself when I fall short on my intentions.
I will decide to remember when I follow through on my intentions.
In time I will revise my intentions.


Possible rewards to consider for keeping my intentions: a new book, getting a pedicure, a new outfit

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