- Science
- Math
- Communication Arts
- History
- Guidance
Every group has 4 teachers except Guidance which has 3. I am on the Guidance team. I have the sincere privilege of working with our 2 Guidance counselors to come up with a few projects for our students to work on related to Guidance. There are certain stipulations for students who want to pull their grades up. Also, we spent the last couple of days calling all the students' families and checking on them. Our principal divided the students up among each team. Tomorrow my team and I will meet with our principal to finalize the projects we've been discussing via email. I got this plan, after my last post and I am impressed. True there is no music, but I expected that...I have made offers on our FB group for lessons. No takers. From what I've seen being posted on FB by both parents and teachers many seem overwhelmed and have too much to do. Time will tell how the students and their families respond to our offering of projects.
Related to this, I was impressed with Mayim Bialik's perspective on education in general and the differences between Homeschooling (what she and her ex-husband do) and what is currently going on with families trying to teach and work etc -- She has a somewhat awkwardly, real way of approaching life that I love --
[--While I'm at work tomorrow in the next county over, a more rural setting, I plan to see if I can find TP...we're down to 2 rolls, one in each bathroom.]
Stream of Consciousness
I have found this week that I am distracted by thoughts that I want to Blog--
- Once we "go back to normal" will some of us (me?) have trouble getting back into being with people? I don't have any kind of diagnosis but once in a while (pre-pandemic) I have gotten nervous when I'm away, at the store, "too long". This makes me wonder about those with true social fears, getting released back into the world again. So many repercussions to consider from all of this.
- I mentioned that I had a touch of the blues on Monday -- playing the flute really helped. I've been pondering the difference between sight-reading and really working on a piece of music. I find that I really enjoy just breezing by stuff, working out the hard stuff is so tedious. Often it's the 'B' section that needs the most work -In other words, I have the top and bottom but I need to work out the middles more.
- I also have been realizing that my "whatever you do, don't put your instrument down" relates really well to my tendency to gradually gain/lose motivation to make/not make healthy choices. "It's ok to mess-up just keep trying to 'jump back in' " is good advice...I need to listen to myself and apply this in many areas of my life--"It's harder to jump back in than it is to not mess up at all" --good stuff!
- I hear a lot of friends (posting or texting) or others on YouTube the saying following or similar caveat --"I don't mean to complain"...."it's not really a big concern, considering" -I've said it too. It's a good thing to say, it means we're trying to keep things in perspective. However, I also think it's important to realize it's personal and it stings. You've Got Mail quote -- "It's not personal it's business" which Kathleen Kelly wisely counters with "whatever anything is it ought to begin by being personal" [I may have blogged about this before, so forgive me] but I believe that as we look at circumstances the really BIG stuff is see-able from far off ie: we can see it happening to others and we know it's bad and really hard. That doesn't mean that the stuff that's close to us, that we can also see very well, is not hard -- it IS and because of its proximity we can feel it, it's touching us personally. As most things-- there's a balance to be reached.
- Encouraging quote from the pod cast Open Ears Project -
"great music transcends time, Happiness = Happiness"
I also recommend Empathy Podcast -- also great!
- My 20 something nephew got tested this week, we're still waiting on results. His concern? for those who can't drive the 80 miles he did to several clinics only to find out that he had to come back the next day to be tested.
- I've seen people posting pictures of their pets and referring to them as "co-workers!" --Love it!
- Post of elderly people being visited through windows, some meeting newborn grand-children that way (is this stuff real?--also I'm not crying--you're crying!)
- Related-- teaching students through windows --drive by teacher parades where they go through neighborhoods and wave to students and bring signs. My town is trying to convert our Teddy Bear Hunt --putting eggs in windows to eggs --for an Easter egg hunt
- Easter in Quarantine? not a fan of this --shoving that down deep so I don't have to think about it...my sister the pastor doesn't have that option
- Usually, this time of year my Instagram and FB photos include lots of flowers-- hmmm --sorry guys--I've been neglecting you --the daffodils are lovely!
- Winner of the "made me choke up with pride for the goodness of humanity" or the "Look for the Helpers" award goes to the HyVee grocery manager I saw putting red squares of tape 6 feet apart on the floor for each checkout line Tuesday. Dressed in his nice white shirt and tie, on the floor --trying to protect us. He had a cheery disposition, considering, and when we chatted momentarily he said: "other duties as assigned..."
Thanks for reading.
Stay well,
Amy BH
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