Thursday, April 30, 2020

Future Travel (not to be confused with Back to the Future)

Hello Readers,

Travel Impact
Many states are beginning to ease back into normal social interaction. It is hard to be sure how this will play out and when is the right time etc. Some feel strongly about wearing masks and staying in isolation longer while others seem to be living no differently than normal ie: taking maskless trips to the store for just one item.

Mama Doctor Jones is a gynecologist who has become a popular YouTuber. She is good at explaining medical issues, is a mom, and is funny. I linked a video below that doesn't exactly show her funny side but is a good introduction to her style. She recently shared in a comment that she felt that the COVID19 would have long-lasting effects on travel -specifically country hoping. She and her family had been planning to do just that starting this summer and have had those plans halted indefinitely. She likened the changes to what we experienced after 9/11.Mama Doctor Jones Why did I pick this field?

This video -- all countries at 21! made me ponder even more what Mama Doctor Jones had shared.
Great story of perseverance and so timely since she got it done before the pandemic and thus may not be replicated (by this age again) for quite some time.

Higher-Ed Impact
I filled out a survey from my D1 University asking various questions about how I felt the University handled COVID19 and how it had impacted my studies. It left room for both positive and negative responses on a variety of topics. Some may say that a positive aspect in general society is figuring out that many of us can work from home and offer some continued flexibility when quarantine is done.

Environmental Impact
While presently the environment has enjoyed less air pollution thanks in part to less air travel. I wonder how the higher emphasis on being sanitary will impact people being cautious about reusable bags. The issue of plastic bags is an ongoing struggle for me personally as I watch grocers taking into consideration the differing views when bagging groceries. I believe in reusable bags but I am weak in practicing it.

My Own Take
I feel anxious at times both wondering how to go to the store, what I'm comfortable with, and if I'm offending anyone. At the same time, I have caught myself judging others and the way they are conducting themselves. These are thoughts that are new and I wonder how long they will continue. Once you notice germs it's hard to go back. I remember my aunt and uncle pointing out how a restaurant gave out ice cream cones with a paper bottom and they liked that because it meant that their hands didn't both touch money and the cone. Once they told me that, I could NOT un-notice this.

I am on a journey of discovery regarding my way of dealing with the carbon emissions of cattle and more importantly the abuse of crowded cattle and other creatures. I like what Temple Grandin says about treating the animal humanely while it's breathing while still eating steak. The thoughtful practice of this vegan who became a butcher is my goal. Vegan to Butcher

Gratuitous quote since I couldn't find the one I wanted to use and because this one is so true for me in my own research!
“Fieldwork is probably always more likely to be holistic than lab work or mathematical modeling because in the field you can’t get away from the whole when a research project starts.”
― Temple Grandin, Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals

Research Update
After about 6 weeks of data collection, my advisor has given me the thumbs up to start coding and looking for themes. Two important pieces of data came in yesterday morning [insert happy dance]. The dining room table is covered in transcripts and I'm ready to get at it, once I stop journal stalling and get busy.

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