Thursday, March 26, 2020

Journal-bad dream & other musings

Dream set-up

  • I applied for jobs this fall/winter -- nothing came of it until early March when I declined an interview because I had decided to remain in my current position [I recently told my husband that I am so glad I decided to remain as this is NOT the time to be starting a new position.]
  • Tuesday I sent out about 50 recruiting emails for research interviews (25 teachers/25 principals)I didn't connect at the time that my neighbors was one of the principals until yesterday when I saw said neighbor out walking with his family and he mentioned the email. Then as he passed by (we did not get within 10 feet of each other during this exchange) 

He said, "[Insert the name of my school] shut down" 
I said "yea, I guess we all did" 
He said "we're still doing cyber instruction" 
(That stung! His words rang in my head the rest of the day.)

  • Finally, I chatted online briefly with a colleague from a neighboring school to my job, who mentioned she had a meeting with her principal to discuss her teaching plans.

Dream -- I took a job in a neighboring district and was starting my first day-- since my school had "shut down". As the day got going, I had intense regret. In the best of circumstances, starting a new position is always very difficult. In this case, I had not had a proper good-bye with my work BFF,  my students, and I had left things undone. Plus there was so much that needed to be done in this new job, it was going to be very challenging in several ways. Needless to say, I was relieved to wake up and realize it was a dream, although this reality has nightmarish aspects.

YouTube/Social Media -- I Can NOT watch a movie, I have no patience for it right now, and usually, I LOVE movies. I am addicted to my YouTubers to name a few: 1) Colleen Ballinger (AKA Miranda Sings) had coincidentally decided to Vlog every day of March so that progression has been interesting 2) Instagram stories with Kelsey Nixon, she is expecting her surrogate to give birth any day now --I've been following this since before the implantation process, etc. plus she has other stuff going on in her life -- she's upbeat and I appreciate her grateful way of doing life. 3) Doctor Mike's weekly videos are always very informative --right now I'm living for his balanced interpretation of the media/politics as related to the virus 4) SarahBethYoga!  she recently "Liked" my YouTube comment where I let her know how much her videos have helped me in my 50+ pound weight loss. [When a YouTuber likes your comment --you've been tapped ---it's a really cool thing!]
I am absolutely NOT on TikTok!  --so tempted but .....NO! 

Local News Update from last night (pm Wed March 25, 2020)
The county adjacent to the one where I live, (the county where I work) has reported its first case of the virus. A 70-year-old woman who has very limited interactions with others in the county but had traveled recently to a highly-populated area. Our state also reported a spike of more than 100 cases in the past 24 hours.
3/26 Thursday 8:00pm update for the county where I live -- new county short...No School through April 30--- for the school's where I live...what about where I teach?  no word ....yet!

Wednesday 3/26 Zoom meeting with my students -- they did not show up. I set a new one for Monday, April 6th (unless we have school). The university where the dual credit is issued, has allowed a grace of grades during this semester of forced online teaching. In short, there is protection and safety for not failing or losing your grade if you don't or can't get all the online stuff done.

Closing thoughts --

  • I see a lot of families walking together and/or walking their dogs
  • M-Friday FB hours for me --no FB from 8-11 and from 1-3 (unless I'm posting for my students)
  • My sister and her husband posted pictures using old shirts to make reusable/washable paper towels
  • TP discussion this morning with my husband re how to share it is mute bc Amazon canceled my order due to limited supply ---we have 3 1/2 rolls left
  • My 20 minutes of playing/listening to music is going extremely well -- had to make myself stop after 45 minutes of flute practicing this morning 
  • I'm really enjoying The Open Ear Podcast -- I'm up to episode 8 for tomorrow
Thanks for reading.
Stay well,

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