Sunday, March 22, 2020

Journal #2 (Attempting) Healthy Isolation

Good Evening Readers --

News update -- our governor has decreed that through April 6th we are to be in groups of 10 or less, we may be out for supplies and to go to work. It also includes schools being closed --now we have to be closed, from what I've seen/heard most of the schools had already closed.

Mental Health check-in -- I am feeling shame and guilt, I learned recently this is a common feeling of Enneagram 4's (also 2's and 3's) during unexpected bad news. I feel guilty that I'm not teaching my students and I'm getting paid. Especially because I see posts from my friends from all across the state and all they are doing for their students. I feel shame that I bought paper products online and maybe I'm causing the hoarding situation to be worse. I feel guilty that I watch so many videos and hardly ever read a book. I know I shouldn't feel this way and that I am not "to blame" -somehow sharing this validates the thoughts while also putting it into perspective --and will hopefully help me to stop resaying these things over and over in my mind. See the video link below where Dani talks about ways to reasonably redirect our thoughts. 

I want to be reasonable but I also want to challenge myself.
Here is a list of 'rules' for myself the next two weeks while we're off from school/work. 

1) No video watching during the day from 7:30-3:30 M-F (when I would normally be teaching)
This includes any TV shows, YouTube, Instagram Stories, Netflix
The only exception would be if my husband is home (at this point he is still going to work) and he prompts us to watch something together.
2) Podcasts may be allowed IF they are not a video and if I'm being active while listening (like sorting a drawer or cooking etc)
3) make a to-do list for two days or more at a time -what does not get done goes to a new day later
4) Journal here regularly - a minimum of once a week
Dani Spies suggests Journaling #7 in this video she posted last Friday--She also suggests coming up with a schedule --I better add that to my to-do list, lol.

How to reduce stress + anxiety -Clean & Delicious
5) Increase Yoga from 10 minutes/4 days  to 15 minutes/4 days a week
6) M-F Spend at least 20 minutes a day playing an instrument &/or listen intently to something challenging like a classical piece such as something from "The Open Ears Project" podcast --this is me "working" and being a good example for my students and also I do love to play!
6) Be kind to myself -- get done what I can and relax --evenings and Sat/Sun no plan, watch videos --or whatever and enjoy!

Events of the day and reflections --Today I watched part of our online church service. My husband played his banjo while I played guitar -- he put on a Youtube video playlist on our TV with chords and familiar pop/folk songs from the '70s/'80s. We normally go out to a local nice Mexican place after church. Today I ordered from them online and we picked it up. We ate at the kitchen table. We usually make a burrito with meat scraps and a tortilla for our dog and save a little treat for our cat so we did that today as well. After lunch we drove over to a park with a huge field we like to let Gerald run in and that's where we gave him his burrito, like a usual Sunday. It feels good to do something that is the same (or very close to the same) as usual. Mealtimes, music, walking our dog, sitting with my cat--- all these things are a huge comfort to me every weekend. This weekend was no exception. 

Dani Spies asked: How is this circumstance a good thing? How am I growing from this?
-- it is giving me lots of time to work on my research project. I am learning to be self-disciplined and to test the waters on my healthy eating habits and increased activity w/o the structure of work.

Thanks for reading!
Stay well,
Amy B. H. 

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