Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas 2020: Pandemic Sight Reading Lessons

Hello reader, 

At the very least, I'd like my family and me to relax and enjoy Christmas 2020. This Christmas for us and for most families will be a legendary one, both for how challenging and amazing it has been. In much the same way that our dad's poems and the very first quilt H made mom are understood to be favorite Christmas memories this year is memorable for the way it has surprisingly (or not?)  brought us all unexpected joy! It is important to note the importance of homy sister L plans the non-negotiable bass human needs such as eating, sleeping, and showering when hosting us all for family get-togethers. She has long understood that this time together works best when everyone has their needs met and when they are aware of and can articulate them especially regarding the needs of our mom who thankfully lives within a mile of L. As most moms do, our mom taught and encourage us all as we grew up. I'm hoping this year I can share this blog to encourage her, sort of as a present to her, and that our family will all laugh and cry together much like we did on that favorite Christmas when our mom opened that first H quilt. That Christmas is a family favorite for the tears of joy we all shared on that special morning.

In so many ways I've been writing this and making this present all year or at least since the pandemic started last spring when I started blogging and sharing about quarantine.  Fortunately due to my Sister L's and H's help, and feedback over the last year, some losses, and some hopes of new births we have shared through initial accountability to stay healthy. This established ongoing ways of both communicating regularly and letting each other know how much we appreciate each other has been helpful to all three of us. Many of the lessons I've learned this year that I realized just recently are due to, as most lessons are, to all the things I've known my whole life but didn't fully appreciate. But now, through the combination of both menopause, a slow climbing amount of work stress, and this pandemic I had a meltdown - an important and pivotal event that has shown me that I can view the year 2020 as either the worst or the best year of my life. I choose to view it as the best. 

In many ways, my formal education in the last few years has helped me recognize how much I love to write. I've been in tune with this fact my whole life. For example, in 6th grade, I used to always laugh with my family about how I wrote  "I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoy writing it at the end of the papers that my mom, an amazing editor, helped my not so patient self write." Mom's help on editing and me and my sister L laughing over the years at my funny way of ending each paper has confirmed that I not only love to write, but writing is a way for me to relieving stress, processing, and sharing my life

The three pitchers
In 2013 my writing took the form of Facebook posts, a unique and positive way I found to share both dad's sayings and remember him and cope with the incredible loss I was facing. This and countless examples have helped me understand how to interpret feedback both intuitive and direct. My sisters directly encourage me that my dad's quotes on FB were resonating with them too by keeping track of them and or just liking the post on FB. While the eulogy I read at my dad's memorial service I thought was not good enough at the time,  I recently realized I was probably not recognizing at the time the subtle and slow encouragement and definitely not discouraging it was to those in attendance. 

The Christmas Quilt
This Christmas long, when I was about eight years old my sister decided to make my mom a quilt over the months and months she prepared it because she wanted to be a quilter like our dad's mom before her.  At first, she tried to make a crazy quilt, but little by little as I remember it she realized she not only needed other to help her and to appreciate the fun way we could all collaborate on the gift. As soon as she acknowledge that everyone had contributed in so many ways it was realized by everyone that this gift was not only going to be one that mom liked but one we all would remember forever.

Christmas 2020
This year, one I will never forget, the year a pandemic and menopause opened my eyes to how great my family is. I already knew they were amazing but this year due to, as I've already mentioned, a severe meltdown, my confidence to say some things I normally wouldn't and slowly unpacking a lot of discoveries that ended up helping me realize how great my life really. This is not a unique story at all and one that I've actually enjoyed most of my whole life as told through one of my favorite movies 

It's a Wonderful Life.
As I said, back in 2013 I realized what worked well as I coped with the loss of my dad I similarly realized during the pandemic how to cope through writing this Blog. In 2013, Facebook was my way to process stress, it was a relatively new social media venue at the time and I enjoyed how the instant feedback encouraged me both when mom was sick and dad passed away. It connected my sisters and me in a healthy beautiful way that we could let each other know what was working well without necessarily gushing. I mentioned above about the 3 baseball pitchers, well I was reading a book at the time (Wherever I Wind Up - RA Dickey). This book helped me articulate clearly how my sisters and I were facing the incredible challenges of caring for our parents together. 

As we dealt with all that was happening I let them both know what I noticed we were doing well. This way we all kept doing those things. We also checked in often. Accessing a deeper level of preparation and communication that I communicated on a later FB post regarding how we were working together in much the same ways major league pitchers do. With me as the relief pitcher, L as the starting pitcher, and H as the closer. I also recognized at the time how my parents kept the family together and wanting to be together. H showed how brave she could be whenever we talked on the phone. My sisters relationship with my mom is one that seems to have been connected because they were so similar in their hearts and motivations as middle siblings often are. L is closer in proximity and has the challenge to run things and be the constant host and do the ongoing errands. Thankfully she is also the best communicator. Sometimes L seems to gets faulted for being overly communicative but I would like to confirm that as her way of being a good host (like Martha) our mom also taught us how to do this. Mom is an amazing combination of both Martha and Mary who share with her the spiritual gift of hospitality. Have they all made mistakes over the years, you bet (remember Jesus said Mary chose what was better, lol). 

Intuitive Communication
Families often experience misunderstandings that really don't need to be dwelled on. The word confrontation, a word that has always brought me anxiety because I thought in order to confront you had to go over the list of all the wrongs. I was always afraid to share my list because I was sure I didn't want to know the other person's list they had on me. I have discovered lately that as I lean into intuitive communication it is a more positive way to maintain a healthy well-adjustedfamily. In other words, a family that enjoys spending time tother throughout the year.

Some ways my family communicates - is through movies and pets -- we quote them -- it's important that as people enter a family they know the family language. Those who are direct (like myself) are going to be understood at the moment while those who are quieter may need more time to be seen. the most in. We all must also interpret the language and trust the ones who need more time. Those of us who may be able or think we can do both must also figure out how to balance the two - ie use our narcissistic empathy for good not evil. There is no formula but a good system is a great start. It must be an intentional system much like the meetings and gatherings we have been having lately during the pandemic. These types of meetings happened in 2013 naturally. My niece had two weddings yay! and my mom had an ongoing illness all spring and most unfortunately my Dad passed. This year forced a lot of face-to-face gatherings (weekly emails/ regular phone calls/ blog posts). These frequent check-ins created a space for healing to taking place. An unexpected and well-timed place for me to realize how my intuition was right about both the scariness and blessing of my Christmas 2020 meltdown. 

Cats and Dogs
While my dad's intuitive language was one that seemed to be more in the moment he used a subtle ongoing way of positive silly sayings that allowed humor that allowed him to break the tension at the moment. Dad often talked to our dog saying things like Ginger, get your coat. In the H family, our pets are our wonderful way that we sort of tell each other what works well and what needs fixing in the ways we care for each other. For example, Lil' Wayne my son and daughter's cat has had a challenging life. We all needed to know her limits in order to know how to love her and help her to feel included in the family. Since my sons' girlfriend came for Christmas this year I used this visit as a way to use lessons I learned from the beach house last summer when my daughter's boyfriend first met the family. At the beach house when we talked about movies with S who wasn't a movie person and so these conversations at the time seemed to no go well. Because of this beach house lesson, I learned, to trust and pay attention to what was not being said, through cats/dogs/movies during Christmas 2020. I was able this season to stop worrying, remain curious, and appreciate the healthy intuitive approach to communication of my family. My dog G and my cat C mostly use silent intuitive communication during walks and when they are hungry. This style of communication is also one that my parents seemed to use and one they modeled for me. Therefore now, when I pay attention to my intuitive nature in a healthy way I am able to stay curious and ask questions as a way to let people know how I am without necessarily saying a word.

In closing, encouragement is the style of classroom management I use as a music teacher. I often keep circulating, wait for others to respond -- say what I mean, and walk away. I pay attention to what I know and figure out what I don't. Every student has a certain ability level so I try not to overthink or stress about the unimportant details. You can only prepare so much, -- if you stress too much you may become overwhelmed possibly leading to the trap I recently fell into the trap of my December 2020 panic attack. 

I have learned there are limits and you must trust your intuition. When I give myself too much credit I run the risk of becoming braggy. When I overtrust I run the risk of feeling isolated and afraid and stop having fun with the people I love the most the people who bring the most meaning to my life.

Finally, I just want to close by saying that credit for the contents of this blog post -- must be given to the following outlets and those who shared them with me: Zoom meetings, long morning walks, quiet meals, long drives, WhatsApp messages, FB posts, and texts. 

Much love, 
Stay well, 
Amy BH
PS-- I love you XOXO

Sunday, October 25, 2020

November & December Intentions 2020

 Hello Readers,

My intentions for the next two months will be to stay true to my activity levels, most weeks, and to my emphasis on vegetables. I also want to allow for a lot of flexibility during holiday gatherings and celebrations. I will weigh-in daily (most of the time). 

This all goes with the caveat that when I return to school in January I will rev up my intentions and log food for at least one week whether the scale dictates it or not as I reset to my 'normal' way of eating.

An observation: I have noticed that when I chose clothes from the Nordstrom monthly boxes I know what I want and what I will keep relatively quickly. Even if I really like how something looks I am also aware of how I wear clothes, what I need, and what makes long-term sense for my lifestyle, etc. I admire that in this phase of my life I am aware of these things and hope to also be able to continue to do similarly with my food choices.  With the support of my sisters and daughter, this feels more achievable than ever before. I am so pleased to be maintaining weight without feeling at all like I'm 'dieting' but rather that I'm just thinking through my long-term goals and making choices accordingly. 

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, October 17, 2020

October Trunk Box Video

 Hello Readers--

A quick update to let you know I have a new video with some photos of my latest purchase from Nordstrom Trunk Box delivery service. I plan to cancel my monthly boxes after the November delivery as I feel my wardrobe is in really good shape now. I plan to do a month here and there in the future because I have really enjoyed each box. The quality of the items is much better than any stores provide in my location and the service has been excellent. 

Enjoy the video, thanks for watching and reading!

-Amy BH

Sunday, September 27, 2020

October Intentions and Food Logging Thoughts

 Hello Readers,

Planned Logging

I have enjoyed this past week taking a bit of a holiday break and enjoying some extra salty snacks and baked goods. I turned 52 this past Friday and wanted to celebrate by enjoying foods in a more relaxed way. I experienced so much joyful overeating that I had the equivalent of a food hangover. Due to this celebrating, I have found that it has been useful to loosen my intentions. Now that the week is over I plan too reset my long-term intentions. My weight only hit 148 one day this week and therefore I never had to food log (surprisingly). However, I decided that I will log 2 weeks this month (more details below). My yearlong plan is that after Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year I will log food for a week (Thanksgiving) or two (New Year) to acknowledge that the relaxed rules are over and it's time to get back to routine. Sometimes by not logging, I find myself a bit lost, not knowing what my calorie count is, especially since I have not logged since the end of July. By deciding ahead of time that this is the plan I hope to see it not so much as a punishment but as a natural progression. While taking a break I will not necessarily weigh-in each day, 2-3 times a week will be the goal. During this time of logging I will also return to weighing myself daily and if necessary will log more than the 1 or 2 weeks until the set weight of below 148 (or lower) has returned for 2 days in a row. After returning from any vacation it is a bit tough to get back into the routine but it also feels good and comfortable to do so. Likewise, this is how I want to view food logging after predetermined breaks. 

October Intentions

  • 15 minutes yoga 4 times a week
  • 15,000 steps a day
  • emphasize vegetables over white carbs
  • Weigh-in daily
  • Log 1200ish calories a day (M-Th) 9/28-10/1 and 10/12-10/15
  • Log 1200ish calories a day anytime the scale hits 148 or more-2 days in a row, keep logging until the weight is below 148- 2 days in a row
  • Continue to keep FB and Instagram off the phone unless it is a special occasion (family birthday)
  • Make a well-woman's exam appointment 
  • Check-in with sisters each week regarding the execution of intentions.

As always, thanks for reading.
Stay well,
Amy BH

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Trunk Club (Drama?), New Weight, and Pumpkin Cravings

Greetings Readers,

I'm finding myself full of thoughts but unable to start so I'm just combining the two. Below is the link to the video of me processing my inbox from Trunk Club and then about a week later a fashion show(ing) of the items. Everything in the video I kept. They also sent a small purse that I did not show or keep. I have posted some still photos since the lighting was not great. Bonus photos of my two new pair of glasses, the second pair has a little bling on the side, thus the profile shot.  [I'm learning to make thumbnails for YouTube videos, and since the one I made kept posting sideways I added this quote I liked instead.]



In other news my weight has weekly averaged below 150 pounds for two months. For the last month, I have not hit even 149. Therefore I have moved my goal weight down to under 148 -- if I hit 148 on the scale two days in a row I need to log food until I am under 148 for two days in a row. 

This week I have been craving pumpkin things so I splurged and bought myself a latte on Thursday and made my own this morning. I mixed and warmed about 2 tablespoons of pumpkin with half-n-half, spices, and sugar to taste and then added it to my coffee. Further cravings called for baked goods, I also made these in plans for breakfast this week (I substituted mini chocolate chips for the raisins.) 

Thanks for reading.

Stay well,

Amy B. Haddock

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Trunk Club #2 and September Intentions

 Hello Readers,

As promised I am writing my September Intentions before September!

  • More than 50% of the time eat foods at or as close to their original state as possible (advice from Dani Spies) -I've been following this advice for a long time --finally stating it.
  • Walk 15,000 steps a day
  • Weigh-in and record weight every day
  • If at or over 150 pounds 2 days in a row log food until below 150 2 days in a row
  • Drink 48-64 ounces of water a day
  • Yoga 15 minutes 4 days a week
  • Continue Mantra --Not Ideal,  Hard for Everyone, Not Forever
My second Trunk Club Box from Nordstrom arrived last Tuesday (my first day back to work), I am proud of myself for getting this video up and processed on YouTube A LOT faster than the last one. That being said it is a bit long. The thumbnail is a photo with the blazer from the July box along with two items from this month, I am very pleased with this look.

Spoiler Alert (below is what I sent back)

I found a small plain dark blue 'dressy' t-shirt that I can wear under the blue lacey top so I kept that and I asked them to put a dark blue cami in the next box. 

sent back:
jean jacket
black pants
pink blouse

Thanks for reading and watching.
Stay well,
Amy BH

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Redefining and Embracing

Hello Readers,


It is a true blessing to have spent the last few weeks in maintenance mode.  While my weight/height ratio is still in the overweight range I am very pleased with where I am and how I am managing eating and movement. The weekly accountability check-ins with my sisters, my daily weigh-ins, my 2 days at 150lbs or more - log food consequence, and all the habits I have learned over the last year(s) are feeling sustainable and make me very proud of myself. I like how I look, I like how my body can move, and I like how the foods I eat make me feel. I also like that once in a while I eat foods like chicken skin and tortilla chips because I love these foods and they also make me feel good. While I am so glad that for the last 2 weeks I have not 'had' to log food I am trying to curve my mindset so that I don't view logging food as a punishment so much as a valuable tool that "I get" to use to help me stay healthy. Frequently when I was logging food every day last year I found the system to be very beneficial for helping me not feel guilty when I had fast food or a special dessert etc. I can get in my own head sometimes and fret about the smallest 'infraction' of eating when in reality I haven't even eaten 'too many' calories. While I still very much do not want to start over-justifying certain types or amounts of food that cause me to go over 150, I also want to view logging food as more of a welcome life-preserver rather than a punishing consequence. This new mindset is a work in progress. 


Another thought cycle I am working on is comfort foods. I grew up in a family that cooked together, planned meals together, shared recipes, and almost constantly talked about food. Food was/is our family's main hobby and one that while we joke about it we also embrace it with pride. For example, we all joke about how a trough of popcorn is a more accurate description of how we inhale popcorn than the use of a bowl. When someone offers us a soup bowl of popcorn we give each other knowing glances and remark "that won't fill up my hollow tooth" (a phrase my dad taught us). Sometimes eating a large tub of popcorn is necessary and when I eat it I'm comforting my need for food and connection to those I love dearly and who live away from me. Over the years I have struggled with how to balance this need for food as a way of connecting with those I love while also staying true to viewing food for health. I realized this week that I don't need to choose. Connecting with others through food IS healthy. While I don't want to eat a full family-sized recipe of the homemade pudding recipe that my mom taught me when I was 10, feeling guilty when I eat this is not healthy either. Pudding fills my soul in various ways, I am grateful that my life is full of such examples of food and family and love, from here on out I intend to embrace this reality and lean into it. Food helps me connect with my amazing family, lucky me!

The following two videos' contents have inspired me and made me laugh (great medicine!)

April Lauren boldly and rawly shares her goals and plan for how she is working towards losing 200 pounds. Through watching some of her other posts I have found that her journey with weight is similar to mine. I appreciate the plan she has, it is also extremely impressive to see her willingness to share so openly. I am not too familiar with the contents from the channel Every Damn Day but I very much appreciate that when the influencer Al Roberts decided to review April's video he let her know and made sure she was ok with his approach. Al Roberts swears A LOT especially using the F-word. Almost 100% of his review is positive towards April's plan and yet his mood somewhat angry, it's the style he is known for, and [BE WARNED] may be offensive to some, I find it hilarious. My suggestion is that if you need a chuckle and don't mind a lot of cussing skip Lauren's video and go straight to his review. Both videos hold up on their own for encouragement and inspiration. 

Al Roberts review (lots of cussing) of April's video (see below)

April Lauren's reasons and plan to lose 200 pounds

Before I close I am posting a photo of me I recently found from April 2019, two months before I started logging food. I see happiness and confidence, I am proud of this lady.

Thanks for reading.
Stay well,
Amy BH

Thursday, August 6, 2020

August Intentions 2020

  1. make September intentions before the 30th
  2. continue 15,000 steps/day
  3. weigh-in daily and log food when at or over 150.0lbs - 2 days in a row
  4. 15 minute Yoga 4 days a week
  5. focus meals on vegetables, fruits, and lean protein
  6. when school starts take Facebook off of my phone and only check it once a day
  7. when school starts disable other people's Instagram stories 
  8. 10 minute jogs 2 times a week until school starts 
  9. Repeat to self as needed with slow deliberate breaths in and out: this is hard on everyone, this is not ideal, this is not forever
  10. check-in with sisters each week

Friday, July 31, 2020

Learning New Things

Hello Readers,

This post is a way of sharing a new skill I am trying out: filming and uploading videos. I recently signed up for a subscription to Trunk Club from Nordstrom and that is the content of this rough first attempt at creating a video. I am looking forward to growing into skills related to setting, camera angles, lighting, and editing.

[fashion show starts at 10'20"]

My next Trunk Club box is scheduled to arrive in mid-August. I am having my stylist create a box each month, you can also set-up deliveries for less often. For August I signed up for a new pair of jeans, slacks, blouse, and undergarments, I will keep you updated with what my selections.

Thanks for reading and watching.
Stay well,
Amy BH

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Bagels and Buffers

Dear Readers,


I made cauliflower bagels last weekend, I have shared the link to the video and the actual recipe below (my subs are highlighted in yellow). The texture is not exactly breadlike but instead more similar to a fritter. Very tasty and can be used to make a small sandwich, they keep well in the fridge and can be reheated in the toaster oven. I have included pictures to show before and after baking and the size (the one with the quarter is after baking) also note the one next to the quarter is the back of the bagel.

[Scroll down past the recipe for my buffer thoughts.]


Cauliflower Bagels  link

CAULIFLOWER BAGEL RECIPE 3 cups packed cauliflower rice (600g or 21 ounces) (I used 2 10 ounce frozen cauliflower rice packets) pinch of kosher sea salt 1/4 tsp garlic powder 2 eggs, beaten 2 tbsp. almond flour (I substituted nutritional yeast) 2 tbsp. coconut flour EVERYTHING BAGEL SPICE COMBO 1 tbsp. poppy seed (I substituted Flax seeds) 1 tbsp. sesame seed 1 tbsp. minced garlic 1 tbsp. minced onion 3/4 tsp. kosher sea salt Preheat oven to 400 Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. In a large bowl, combine cauliflower rice, salt, garlic powder, eggs, almond flour, and coconut flour. Mix until everything is well combined. Take about 1/4 cup of the dough and start by forming a ball between the palms of your hands. Give the dough a gentle squeeze to extract any excess liquid and then flatten that ball out a bit keeping the edges rounded and then poke a hole in the center. The dough is delicate, so work slowly and take your time. (See video for step by step instructions). Place the bagel on the rimmed baking sheet and repeat until you have 8 bagels. Sprinkle the everything bagel spice mixture over the top of each bagel, and gently push the seeds onto the bagel using the back of a spoon. Pop into the oven for 30 minutes or until the bagels are set through and golden brown. Allow to cool completely before slicing and adding your favorite bagel toppings. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. Nutrients per bagel; Calories: 43; Total Fat: 2.3g; Saturated Fat: 0.6g; Cholesterol: 53mg; Carbohydrate: 3.5g; Dietary Fiber: 1.8g; Sugars: 0.9g; Protein: 2.8g


1) Yay!!! Happy Dance!! I reached my goal of under 150 on July 18, 2020 -- 1 year and 10 days after starting my calorie logging and accountability journey to better health. That's down 72 pounds!
I am counting my 'goal' to be met as far as my "I'm ok with this size, I feel great at this weight" goal and now I am moving towards maintenance. My plan is to implement logging back into my routine whenever there is a 5 in the 10's place two days in a row. To allow for a buffer I want to get down to 145 pounds so I'm not waffling so much daily. If my weight gets below 145 consistently I will adjust the buffering number accordingly so that it is within 5 pounds of my daily average-ish weight. BUT NOT OVER 150. That is not negotiable because that is the number where, in the past, I start to slide and justify. If I can stay under 150 for a year, that will be a huge accomplishment for me, and then each month after that will add to the gold stars. In the past, I try to get down to 130-135 but I get stuck where I am now and then eventually give up trying, and then when I'm 175 or more I want to kick myself for NOT being content with 140-something weight.

2) For buffering to work, weekly checking in with my sisters is a must. I also have YouTube channels I watch and Dani Spies @clean_and_delicious on Instagram (and YouTube). Dani shares encouragements on her Insta--stories that are both insightful and relatable.

Today Dani shared the following from Author Unknown,
"True self-care is not all hot baths and chocolate cake.
It is making the choice to build a life you don't regularly need to escape from."

As we head back into the school season and the issues are continually debated I am worn out by it all. I am grateful to have a supportive family, friends, and fresh air walks to clear my head. But still, the possibility of not being able to play the flute and other wind instruments has left me mournful and unsure of how to function. Teaching others how to play is woven deep within me. I love to both model/teach and advocate for this skill. I get physically ill when I hear of someone who was not or is not allowed to play an instrument. But alas, my self-care needs to shift and my thoughts need to move towards what I can do rather than what at the very least will be altered if not completely taken away. Perhaps other forms of music-making such as guitar? For now.

This morning I listened to Bette Midler and was inspired by her rendition of The Rose by Amanda McBroom. The final lyrics give me hope for 'spring'.

When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed, that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose

Stay well.
Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

DiP Reflections (edit avoidance & July intentions)

Dear Readers,

What do you do when you have hours of edits ahead of you? You become keenly aware of all the other things you really 'need' to do such as housework and Blogging.

Yesterday was one of the biggest events I've experienced in my life and is reminding me of other important events such as my wedding, 2 childbirths, and my Dad's passing. In so many ways it felt very similar to all of those. Childbirth and especially saying good-bye to a loved one are overwhelmingly difficult seasons of life. Yet for me, I am so blessed because on all of these occasions what I remember most is the love I received from so many. When big events happen in my life people come from all directions and lend support and love in ways that I find humbling and inspiring. I have coined it 'collateral positivity' (after the movie "Collateral Beauty").

Yesterday I defended my Dissertation in Practice (DiP) to complete my Doctorate of Education. The setting was on Zoom and thankfully my advisor agreed to record it. (Side note: a VERY positive thing about having to do my defense on Zoom, thanks to COVID-19, is that I was able to fairly easily have a video of it. Highly recommend! it's natural to walk away with regret of "did I say that weird?" or "oh my they hated it!" when in reality the committee was very generous and I am relatively pleased with my poise throughout after viewing the video.Also at the 10 minute mark Gerald, my dog, got tangled in my laptop cord and my computer gets slid across the table...but I keep going!) In many ways, this defense meeting was a formality as is evidenced by the fact that all through the 2 years of coursework my main 2 teachers told us repeatedly that once they said it was time to defend it would be because we were ready, they assured us that they would set us up for success. All that being said, the morning of the defense, my thoughts kept turning to "but maybe I'll be the exception and I won't pass". My husband at lunch when I shared that I was more nervous than I thought I would be said, "yes, I know" (like in other words, that's a common way to feel) and also that his boss said that of the many people that she knew that didn't complete their doctorate NONE of them made it to defense day -- no one in the conversation with my husband and his boss (and others?) could think of ANYONE who made it to defense day and did not pass....and yet here are my thoughts yesterday morning:
Defense morning ramblings

I also captured my thoughts during the deliberation time, notice the hair transformation, lol.

Deliberation thoughts

Many of my friends on Facebook and Instagram have commented on my story, profile picture, and other places "congratulations" --these posts are prompting others who probably had no idea about my coursework, etc. Again I am overwhelmed by the support and kindness and appreciate this place on Blogger to process it all as it unfolds.

I have lots of great ideas to add to my conclusions and recommendations and I've written a lot of them out on my kitchen dry erase board. I am so glad that the 2 outside advisors (not my main teachers) gave such practical advice for how the research can be used. One of the best compliments was hearing them say how my research is something that is very needed and will contribute to others who "really need help".  Their critiques regarding adding practical take-aways for administrators and teachers and what they can "do" is something I value deeply and I am eternally grateful for the chance to make this clear.

July intentions:
Get this paper officially turned in to MU by the summer finish deadline of July 17 (and not use the July 24 grace period). That means I have to get it to my editor --soon (my goal is by this weekend, even though she may not start it until after the 4th).

Funny side note: my husband and I celebrated with DQ ice cream last night and I had a peanut buster parfait and large fries (this was my dinner)...I woke up 2 pounds lighter than the day before --- my conclusion is that these choices are now my new 'diet' -- (screw correlation does not = causation, lol)

Eating: 1200ish calories a day logging every other week -- no logging on Sundays
2-3 days a week 10-minute jog plus warm-up cool-down walks
4 days a week of 10-minute yoga
15,000 steps a day
make dentist/eye appointments, make mammogram appointments, get the shingles vaccine, make general health appointment(s)

As always, stay well.
Thanks for reading,
Amy BH

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Great British Bake Off 2015 (spoilers)

Hello Readers -

My confidence is building as I have maintained or lost weight over the last months without feeling deprived, instead, I've been feeling like how I am eating and cooking is a part of my natural self. At the same time -I realize that because sustaining good habits is a forever "goal", I can never be sure when I've achieved it only when I've failed.


SPOILERs from here to the end of the post:
I am a big fan of the Great British Bake Off--  In general, this show has a lot to offer, there are countless examples of good instruction, teachable students watching and intently listening to their teachers, calculated risk taking, hosts using humor to calm stressed participants and to inspire them to pick up the pace/quality when needed, peer supportive learning, and teachers willing to be honest about when they were wrong/learned something new. The way the teachers calmly explain why something failed while also lifting up their students, "I would never have attempted that, you should be proud" is marvelous. 

I really like the entire cast of the 2015 season, especially Nadiya -- the interviews she gives throughout the season are very transparent, this one inspires me to believe in myself and to also project confidence. In this clip, she declares to the world that she will no longer put boundaries on herself. I cry and love her more with each viewing. Nadiya 2015 GBBO  --side note: not shown in the clip are the judges' inspiring expressions of love and pride in Nadiya's success.

I am learning to believe in myself thanks to Nadiya, "...I can...and I will!"

I will strive to approach my health as I do my art:
"Be present.
Be unafraid to fail." 
-Sarah Urist Green

Finally, as I've previously posted:

“Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
― Mary Pickford
Thanks for reading.
Stay well,
Amy BH

Saturday, May 30, 2020

June Intentions and More!

Hello Readers -

Checking In
I have logged food this past week and been extra careful and "honest" with myself with great results. I am down 3 pounds since Sunday. After being stagnant pretty much all of May this scale affirmation is greatly appreciated. At the same time, I have been thinking a lot about the video below. Obese to Beast is so wise and I love how he shares and explains things that he's walked through himself. The whole video is great. The part I've been pondering and incorporating into my self-talk is the Honesty and Forgiveness portion where he explains the importance of both. I also have been known to join in the calorie game he describes (time frames noted below the video link). A pattern I articulated this month is that, in the past, I give up when I am 7 pounds from my maintenance goal. By using his suggestion of being both honest and forgiving the new thought process guided me to experience a victory. I am now within 5 pounds of my goal. Another update is that I have enjoyed doing Yoga every day in May and am working towards memorizing this 15-minute video that challenges, engages, and drives me 15 min Balanced Power Yoga.

Obese to Beast
7'51"  Playing the "Calorie Game"
9' Honest and Forgiveness

Helpful Mindshift
Dani Spies recently shared on her Instagram story that she has struggled in quarantine (she lives in NJ) because she is motivated to exercise as she is engaged as she perseveres physically until she reaches a goal. This needed to change because she has no access to the weights at her gym and other equipment she needed to reach her current goal. She had a mind shift from thinking of exercise as a way to achieve some sort of goal to thinking of it as a gift to her body. Our bodies were made to move.

Intentions for June
I will log food for a 2nd week in a row so as to continue with my honesty pattern. (Note: I do not log on Sundays, I still eat as though I am logging but with more grace and no hassle.) This will have me not logging for my anniversary and during our vacation. During vacation I will only hold myself true to the walking of 10,000 steps a day -- I will eat intentionally but all food is acceptable (same for my Anniversary). For the rest of the month, I plan to stick to my 1200 calories/day, 4 times a week 15 min yoga, 2 jog/walks a week, and 15,000 steps a day. Eating intentionally involves staying engaged and listening to both hunger and full cues.

Egg Whites (EW)
 I bought egg whites in a quart container and froze the rest in a muffin tin. Once frozen I popped those out to store in the freezer to use as needed.
Oatmeal with EW
This delicious oatmeal with egg whites is a great break from my normal approach (see recipe below, shared already?). It is a combination of a couple of recipes from Dani Spies (Clean & Delicious). I eat 1/2 cup of it at a time, I've found the rest stores well in the fridge to be warmed up each morning. I like to add fruit and peanut butter to the top (sometimes 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips, yum!).
Granola with EW
My son is visiting this weekend and he likes my granola. I came across a new granola recipe that uses egg whites (there are lots of those --google).  I've enjoyed the granola a tablespoon at a time on top of plain yogurt with fruit. I leave out the sugar in the granola recipe and add a little drizzle of honey. As the recipe states, you can sub in and out dry for dry and wet for wet. I used my homemade almond butter I made in the food processor and skipped the coconut oil. I also used quick oats instead of oat bran and left out the brown sugar, as I mentioned earlier, and used pumpkin seeds and coconut to make the amount of coconut needed.

Stay well.
Amy B Haddock

1 cup dry rolled oats 2 cups water
1/4-1/2 tsp salt 1/3 cup egg whites 1 tbsp coconut oil --NOTE == Amy did not put this in and it was fine-- lowers the fat/calorie below INSTRUCTIONS Combine oatmeal, 2 cups water, and salt in a small pot. Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and slowly stir in the egg whites, continually stirring until the oats look opaque. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes or until the oats are creamy, tender and heated through. Stir in Coconut oil--mix. Serve topped with favorite toppings. NUTRITION
Nutrients for 1/2 of the recipe: Calories: 291; Total Fat: 14g; Saturated Fat: 9g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Carbohydrate: 37.5g; Dietary Fiber: 5.3g; Sugars: 9g; Protein: 6g

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Adele, Coffee, School/Summer

Hello Readers,

Adele - posts on an Adele's Twitter photo post are getting people wound up. The topic boils down to should people congratulate someone when they've lost weight? First, it implies they weren't "beautiful" "glammed-up" before. Second, they may not have meant to lose weight and are having a health crisis or maybe they have disordered thinking in regards to food. My take on this is that while yes --I do believe that saying congratulations is problematic it can be a valuable encouragement. There is no simple answer. If the person is posting a selfie I don't think you can ever go wrong by saying --you look gorgeous etc. If you see someone in person and notice a change -- commenting on their energy or sense of style could be a good place to start and then use judgment based on how well you know them and where the conversation naturally lands once they respond. Additionally, giving grace to the person giving the comment is important, while some people are passive-aggressive I find most to be genuine in their motivation. Find someone you trust that you can replay the conversation over with when you're feeling hurt or unsure of how to receive a comment.

Day 6 of no sweetener in my coffee is going well -- I am enjoying it, I have had sweeter breakfasts to balance it out. For example, on Saturday I made and froze Blueberry Lemon Muffins (see recipe below) for the week. I made a few changes in the recipe using regular milk, not almond, and over-ripe banana instead of yogurt. In related news, I bought a lemon zester -- good purchase, I had been using the side of the cheese grater and maybe it had gotten dull? I don't know...but this new zester is way easier and more efficient. In regards to coffee, after this week I will try giving myself no more than 2 'special' days a week where I get to beef up my coffee with sweetener or cocoa mix as a fun treat and maintain the no sweetener rule on the remaining mornings.

Tomorrow is the 'last day of school'. I checked out of the building for the summer yesterday and all our grades were due last week. I feel like I'm ready to start thinking about how I want to spend my now actual summer break days. I will be taking the rest of this week and all of next week off from Blogging-- as I said in last week's post, it's been a bit of a struggle lately for various reasons. Look for my next Blog post by the end of the month with my June intentions--

Thanks so much for all your support (you know who you are 😉)
Stay well,

Blueberry Muffin Recipe (Clean & Delicious)


  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1 cup plain greek yogurt or mashed banana or apple sauce*
  • 2 pastured eggs beaten
  • 2 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons monkfruit**
  • 3/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds


  • Preheat oven to 350ºF and spray a 12-cup muffin tin with cooking spray or coat with coconut oil or butter to ensure nothing sticks.
  • In a large bowl combine oats, salt and baking powder and gently toss together.
    dry ingredients in bowl
  • Mix in milk, Greek yogurt, eggs, lemon zest, lemon juice and monk fruit and stir together until everything is incorporated and you have a rich, thick batter.
  • Add in the blueberries and almonds and stir until just combined.
  • Evenly divide the oat mixture between all 12 muffin cups and pop in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until the muffins are set through and lightly golden brown on the top.
    muffin batter divided into muffin tin
  • Cool completely before removing muffins from the pan and enjoy!
    fresh baked blueberry lemon oatmeal muffin cups


*You can sub in applesauce or mashed banana for the Greek yogurt, if you want to keep the oat cups dairy free.
**Monk fruit is a plant-derived, calorie free sweetener. This is the one I am using. If you prefer, you can use coconut sugar or really any granulated sugar instead of the monk fruit.
***I like to store these muffins in an airtight container in the fridge where they will happily last up to one week. 
****To reheat the muffins, you can slice them in half and place them in the toaster oven or pop them in the microwave for 20-40 seconds.


Serving: 1muffin | Calories: 93kcal | Carbohydrates: 16g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 105mg | Potassium: 138mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 5IU | Vitamin C: 1.8mg | Calcium: 43mg | Iron: 0.9mg