Saturday, September 19, 2020

Trunk Club (Drama?), New Weight, and Pumpkin Cravings

Greetings Readers,

I'm finding myself full of thoughts but unable to start so I'm just combining the two. Below is the link to the video of me processing my inbox from Trunk Club and then about a week later a fashion show(ing) of the items. Everything in the video I kept. They also sent a small purse that I did not show or keep. I have posted some still photos since the lighting was not great. Bonus photos of my two new pair of glasses, the second pair has a little bling on the side, thus the profile shot.  [I'm learning to make thumbnails for YouTube videos, and since the one I made kept posting sideways I added this quote I liked instead.]



In other news my weight has weekly averaged below 150 pounds for two months. For the last month, I have not hit even 149. Therefore I have moved my goal weight down to under 148 -- if I hit 148 on the scale two days in a row I need to log food until I am under 148 for two days in a row. 

This week I have been craving pumpkin things so I splurged and bought myself a latte on Thursday and made my own this morning. I mixed and warmed about 2 tablespoons of pumpkin with half-n-half, spices, and sugar to taste and then added it to my coffee. Further cravings called for baked goods, I also made these in plans for breakfast this week (I substituted mini chocolate chips for the raisins.) 

Thanks for reading.

Stay well,

Amy B. Haddock


  1. Hello Readers -- for some reason the videos are not posting on the email notification or on my phone app. On my PC the full post is available when I click on the Amy's Blogger link at the bottom of the email notification.

    Post link:

    Much thanks,
    Amy B.H.

  2. Love, love, love the jacket on you! Baked Pumpkin oatmeal recipe is printed and might not even wait until Saturday to try for this week's treat :)

    1. Wonderful to hear your thoughts on both! Love you 😍
