I recently went to a Women's Conference where I got some helpful advice. A couple shared some struggles they'd had in the past and how they worked through them. The husband said that for him (and many men) they value "shoulder to shoulder time". He recommended getting involved in what they like to do, just being close-by may help build connection. I have spent the last month being mindful of this: handing my husband tools etc, it's been a sweetly enjoyable time that I plan to continue to make a priority. I've noticed that my husband too shows me support in quiet ways. I've only told him, "I'm taking a break from such-and-such foods" and he gives nod of understanding when I push rice I did not order to the side of my plate or when I don't get fries at a local place that sells extra good ones.
I love Wasabi peas they have a nice bite of flavor and crunch. I like to make my own snack mix of (1/4 cup total) almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, and Wasabi peas. A wonderful treat I have with club soda sometimes.
Here's an example of a food dosage: 1 cup of grapes. I eat them throughout the day. Yes they are nutritious but I still need to portion them.
I read about a 21 Day Challenge recently. It had to do with chewing your food completely and how most of us under chew which often leads to poor digestion and over eating. I didn't get all the details because you had to "sign-up" but the point seems clear to me. When I think about chewing my food until it's "mush" or "liquid" it really helps me to slow down and savor it.
Rethinking and New-thinking are challenging. In my job I play a lot of different instruments to help teach my students. I know the basic fingerings of my students' instruments by heart with one important exception: the bass clef baritone. I can make the pitch on trombone (sounds the same) and I can play treble clef baritone because they are the same fingerings as trumpet. I struggle to learn these fingerings as I don't have an extra baritone to practice. Yesterday I was playing trumpet and started reading bass clef to help the low brass hear their part (usually I play trombone to do this). I had to think differently (by doing this I was playing bass clef baritone fingerings on trumpet). It was a real break through for me and a skill I need to practice more but I'm on my way to rethinking the trumpet (baritone). Same thing is happening with this Viceless Year -- I'm learning and practicing how to think differently about food. No more craming my face with mounds of popcorn or heaps of fries to reward and soothe me. I look forward to eating a variety of foods and savoring them instead. I am rethinking about the relationship I have with food and how I need to honor it with respectful dignity.
"I'm learning and practicing how to think differently about food"
ReplyDeleteWhat a re-think for me; you, meaning me, do have to practice when learning a new thing. It makes sense that redoing the relationship with food would take practice. I was telling Hugh how you visualize a situation you will be in (say a carry in meal) and prepare how you will act in the situation.
Thanks for something for me to ponder, again!