Friday, April 8, 2022

Journaling and Dance Class

 Hello Readers,


This week I was encouraged by the message of Brene Brown's March 9 podcast with Karen Walrond. Accessing Joy and Finding Connection in the Midst of Struggle was the title. Brene is very candid about some struggles she was having and during the conversation they unpacked what may be some of the reasons. My biggest takeaway was the journaling prompts that Karen challenged us to do daily: How can I feel connected, How can I feel healthy, and How can I feel purposeful. Each day these things may change and during some seasons our connectedness, health, and purpose may be more centered on recovery and rest while at other times we may be in the midst of service and activism. Karen also said that each night she centers her mind on at least one thing she is grateful for. She has found that it is important to have these habits in place so that during difficult times you know where to turn.

Dance Class

Last night I literally stepped outside of my comfort zone and tried something completely new. Ballet. A friend of mine is teaching an adult class starting from the basics. It is a half-hour each week and last night we learned many new words and by the end, my legs and my mind were both challenged and renewed. Ballet Class

Stay well,


  1. Thanks for reading, next week I plan to take a week off for Spring Break! See you in two weeks -- Happy Easter!

  2. Ballet Class! How fun! I love this idea: different use of muscles, core strength, posture, body awareness / how we use space, new activity to make the brain work.

    1. Absolutely! and the class members and teacher are so kind and encouraging too Win win! (example -- it felt good to laugh as we each attempted to spin across the room)

  3. Catching up on blog-reading this weekend! Almost glad I got behind, because the Karen Walrond work with joy is SOOO needed right now <3

    1. I'm glad you sent this reply today as it reminds me to get back to journaling and active gratitude!
