Saturday, April 30, 2022

Cold Play -- Fix You

Hello Readers,

Last Sunday I had the opportunity to attend another local choral concert and it was fabulous. This time the song that has stayed with me the most was Fix You by Cold Play arranged for choir by George Chung. Here is the original song Cold Play Fix You and the choir arrangement Chung Fix You. There is one thing that is missing from both of these versions that the choir director added to the performance I attended. After the musical interlude he turned towards the audience and as noted in the program he started singing in a microphone and directing the audience to join with him the following lyrics in a counter melody -- We're gonna get it, get it together, right now - We're gonna get it, get it together somehow - We're gonna get it, get it together and flower, Woah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh repeat etc... Then the choir joined in with the last stanzas as the audience continued to sing the counter melody. I am tearing up just remembering it in my head. It was evident that the audience was moved as we stood and sang as one large choir.

As always thanks for reading and I hope you have a great week!

Stay well,

Amy BH

Friday, April 22, 2022

Updates and an Inspiring Piece of Music

Hello Readers,

Starting with some personal celebrations -- I have gone a whole month without one of my medications and after revisiting with my psychiatrist we continue to believe that I no longer need it. I have been feeling some slight anxiousness at times but I am learning how to breathe through it. For example on Wednesday morning I woke up with a general feeling of butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't figure out any reason. I only thought that maybe it had to do with the fact I was traveling that day to observe my student. I sometimes get worried when I need to drive. I thought about it rationally and did my morning yoga and by the time I was ready to go I felt better. Another milestone is that I am also going from monthly visits to once every 2 months. 

Speaking of yoga for the last two weeks or more I have gotten back into my routine of 15 minutes of yoga 4 mornings a week. I am doing the same video SarahBethYoga Saturday with modifications for my shoulders. (Which by the way my shoulder range of motion is much better, still a little stiffness at night but I also could be MUCH better/consistent with my stretches.)

Ballet continues to be rewarding - in my second and third classes I was able to do a turn that I thought looked impossible in the first class. It was sloppy of course but my feet didn't get tangled and I completed the revolution. My teacher is very encouraging and she and the other women are a true joy and I'm finding a connection I've been craving.

A few weeks ago I went to a universtiy choir concert in a lovely setting - Conception Abbey (see photo below). The accoustics were so live that at times I wondered how the choir could keep their voices under control. One piece that I have carried with me since that performance is titled O Love the lyrics of this piece were originally written by George Matheson during a time of turmoil and are accounted for in this YouTube video O Love Inspiration. More recently the version I heard was set to a new tune by Elaine Hagenberg, perfmed here --Updated O Love. Elaine's lovely sense of harmony and blending of voices drew me into Matheson's hopeful words. As I reflect on the piece I realize that no matter the circumstance I am loved and may find joy as promised by the symbol of the rainbow. May you be encouraged and swept away from the day's worries as you listen. 

Thanks for reading,

Stay well,

Amy BH

Friday, April 8, 2022

Journaling and Dance Class

 Hello Readers,


This week I was encouraged by the message of Brene Brown's March 9 podcast with Karen Walrond. Accessing Joy and Finding Connection in the Midst of Struggle was the title. Brene is very candid about some struggles she was having and during the conversation they unpacked what may be some of the reasons. My biggest takeaway was the journaling prompts that Karen challenged us to do daily: How can I feel connected, How can I feel healthy, and How can I feel purposeful. Each day these things may change and during some seasons our connectedness, health, and purpose may be more centered on recovery and rest while at other times we may be in the midst of service and activism. Karen also said that each night she centers her mind on at least one thing she is grateful for. She has found that it is important to have these habits in place so that during difficult times you know where to turn.

Dance Class

Last night I literally stepped outside of my comfort zone and tried something completely new. Ballet. A friend of mine is teaching an adult class starting from the basics. It is a half-hour each week and last night we learned many new words and by the end, my legs and my mind were both challenged and renewed. Ballet Class

Stay well,

Friday, April 1, 2022

Three Recipes Made From Ginger Snap Cookies/New & Goods

 Hello Readers,


A few weeks ago I bought myself a box of Ginger Snap cookies thinking they would make a nice breakfast treat to dunk into my coffee. I found them to be a little too strong in the morning. Ever since I've been looking for ways to finish them other than just snacking. 1) One simple way was to spread a little almond butter and make a sandwich cookie. You could also try peanut butter, but I liked the easy spreading of the almond butter and the contrasting smooth taste. Next, I remembered that one of my sisters came home from somewhere with the idea from a friend that you could take graham crackers and 2) layer them with applesauce. Sure enough, this also works with Ginger Snaps after they sit for a few minutes they get cakelike. One issue the Ginger Snaps are a bit mushier in the applesauce than I remember the crackers being. Lastly, 3) I had some plain Greek yogurt I needed to use up so I did the same with it -- layering it with the cookies -- this was my favorite, the texture was better and kept nicely for over a day in the refrigerator.


My psychiatrist and I decided to eliminate one of my medications. I have been doing so slowly over the last two weeks. She initiated this timing mostly because I have been stable for over a year. She also felt that my concerns about weight gain could be somewhat attributed as this is a commons side effect. So far I am feeling well and I am not noting any real difference.


Yesterday #1 I had an interview and was hired to supervise a music student teacher for our local university this fall. I am excited to be given this chance as I enjoy this type of work. As you may recall I was hired for a similar position and have been serving in this capacity currently for another college out of my hometown. It is nice to be continuing to build my higher education resume and to be gaining new contacts and experiences.

Yesterday #2 I got to spend the morning watching local rural bands perform for judges at a local festival. It brought me so much pride and joy to see and hear them I wish it could have lasted for the whole week!

This week's gold star goes to my former colleague and my replacement whose high school band earned top honors yesterday ⭐

Thanks for reading.

Stay well,