Thursday, October 21, 2021

Staying Balanced Means You Keep Moving

Yoga Balancing and A Balanced Diet -- the two are very similar. Small corrections are easier to manage for me than big ones. SaraBethYoga says falling happens, what's important is that I get back up every time. Last week I shared my plan to look at what I could control and that I was going to make some snack changes while continuing my extra walking. These small changes have paid off and I am thankfully seeing and feeling some good results. I'm feeling more energized and the scale went down a couple of pounds. It helped that I also watched the video I share below.

Turn Off the Emergency Brake -- I did a deep dive last week on some of my posts from a few years ago and I came across the post where I had shared the video How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over - Mel Robbins (YouTube). Rewatching this video got me fired up to stop thinking and start acting. Here are some highlights:
  • It's simple to get what you want (but not easy)
  • Force yourself --anything that's a break from routine
  • Autopilot vs emergency brake -- we like autopilot 
  • If you feel stuck in your life it's a signal that one of your most basic needs is not being met  
  • Stop feeling and start doing!!!!!!! Take the impulse and do it!! -- (note to self: stop pulling the emergency brake!)
  • The 5-second rule -- marry the impulse right away with an action -- or it will be killed
Both balancing and doing something when you feel stuck or scared involve adjustments and choices. On The Happier Podcast this week (Episode 348) Gretchen and Elizabeth talked about how actors make choices all the time regarding how they are going to play a part. "I made a choice to" is a common part of the dialogue used when on stage or filming TV/Movies. Making a bold choice requires bravery such as using an unusual accent or singing the line. Daily I and dare I make the bold choice to say we all make choices. We decide if we're even going to notice we're making them. Today I decided to notice the time when I was getting ready for the day and how that actually is an enjoyable but often unnoticed time. Much like in Yoga I decide what I am going to notice and what adjustments I am going to make. I encourage myself and all of us to get up every time, turn off the emergency brake, and do the thing (only you know what it is!). 

Gold Star of the Week goes to -- The autumn leaves in the park behind my house.

As always thanks for reading.
Stay Well,
Amy BH

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