Hello Readers,
As I listened and walked through this past week I noted different ways I could view my circumstance. Day Seventy-Nine of 100 Days to Brave reminded me that I am bravely blazing a trail. Without going into too much detail I find myself at a sort of crossroad of life where currently the stoplight is broken and not flashing. I have no control over this stop in traffic and I have no idea how long I will be at this intersection or which way I am going next. I can stay busy but only in my car. Day Eighty of the same book reminded me to be a brave steward. Going back to the car metaphor I can't control what's on the outside but I can control what I do with the things on the inside of the car. This reading challenged me to be a responsible steward of my time and health. Lately, I've been better at using my time as I made a schedule for how to spend my day(s) but what about my health?
To be brutally honest my eating lately has been unhealthy and the pounds are creeping up. After listening to Episode 347 of the podcast Happier with Gretchen Rubin I was struck by something their guest Dr. Maya Shanker said she had to do when she found out she could no longer pursue the violin as a career (due to a playing injury). Maya shared that she realized what she liked most about playing the violin was the instant connection she felt with other people as she played. This is a bit of a stretch but I related to Maya in that I lately can't seem to get back to the motivation I had during my 2020 weight loss. As I reflected on what had motivated me during that time, I remembered that one of the things was that I pictured myself at a healthy weight as I finished up my degree. I wondered if there was a way I could create a similar motivation in my current circumstance.
I don't know when or where my circumstances may lead but I do know that I'm going there with this body. I also know that new circumstances can be stressful and that I feel more confident when I am not carrying around 10-30 extra pounds. That's it! that is the motivation, that is both what I can control and is a way I can be a good steward.
Anyone who has read this blog knows I have constant battles with weight fluctuations. This time my plan is to turn this around before it goes any further. Dani Spies (Clean & Delicious) says on repeat to pick one sustainable thing at a time and make it a habit. Then you can add something else when you're ready. For two weeks I have walked 30 minutes Monday through Thursday on top of all my regular walks. Today I decided I was ready to add only allowing healthy snacks during the day in other words I can only eat a snack if most of it is fruit or vegetable and then part of it may be measured peanut butter or yogurt. My sister reminded me that at our favorite weight loss app they call this act crossing the threshold and accepting the call to adventure. Onward and downward!
Gold Star this week -- my sisters who inspire me with their weight maintenance/loss success!
Thanks for reading.
Stay well,
Amy BH
circumstances like waiting to get married/have children I have no control
bug or feature
walking more in the sunshine
instead of noting what I like note what that brings to me --- violin brings connection with her audience instead of noting that during the pandemic I was motivated and able to lose weight I am remembering what was my motivation. It was that I pictured myself finishing my degree confident and at a healthy size. Writing makes me want to snack.
Ordinary World
Call to Adventure (Seeing the scale, and how my clothes fit, and how I looked in the mirror, and how I was feeling)
Refuse the Call
Meeting the Mentor (This is what Amy was for me when she invited us to check-in)
Crossing the Threshold (when I decided to get serious - my first Noom subscription)
Tests, Allies, and Enemies
Approaching your Inmost cave (COVID created)
Facing your supreme ordeal
Seizing your sword (in process)
The road to your new normal (looking forward to finding it!)
Returning with the elixir (looking forward to finding this too!
[New] Ordinary World
While in the struggle digging deep and doing it!
Small steps to reach goals something sustainable (Dani Spies on repeat)