Saturday, December 10, 2016


If I don't post it, it doesn't exist. This makes absolutely no sense but is a frequent running suppressed thought. I want to and have eaten large amounts of certain foods and I've had too much of this or that over the weeks. This has not occurred on a daily basis but often enough that it warrants pause and reflection. I am not seeing growth in my desire to eat mindfully: I am consistently mindful in the what but I am erratic at best in the amount.  I need to go back to reading and reviewing Lindsay Reinholt's book [note to self: add this to intentions for over Christmas Break? ponder this].


The pumpkin bread I posted about is really great and I continue to enjoy it as a nice breakfast warmed with peanut butter spread on it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pumpkin bread review. I'll share the recipe with Franny (she loves the cauliflower pizza one; I will reread, but I am thinking it is gluten free)
    I totally hear you about amounts. I'm beginning to realize that I'm returning to my Must Eat Almonds after school (I just had probably 12 this morning with my coffee). 6, Helen, is a gracious plenty. Barb used that phrase, a gracious plenty. Sometimes saying that in my mind helps. Sometimes.
    Thank you for including me (and Leslie and all of your followers) with your intentions. They are inspiring me to make small changes in my self care as well. But I have a long way to go.
    My intention was: do shoulder exercises every day. What happened? I didn't do them yesterday and found myself rewriting the intention to: do shoulder exercises every day but it is okay to take Saturday off. Now, we all know how the next edit will read: do shoulder exercises every day but it is okay to not do them the day I have duty at school and Saturday. Nip that in the bud now, Helen!
