Sunday, August 13, 2017

August Intentions

I am really struggling with what to intend this month as is evident in the fact that it's already the 13th. I decided I need to look inward and upward. A friend of mine that I know through grad school suggested (in July) a phone app called First 5 that has daily scripture readings and devotional thoughts. I had mentioned to her that I had been struggling spiritually since my Dad died (Sept 2013) I downloaded the app but hadn't been using it. Today my pastor preached on The Lord's Prayer "give us this day our daily bread". Later a dear friend from out of town talked to me on the phone and said she'd been thinking a lot about our need for God's Daily Bread. A sort of lightbulb went off when she said that, I connected my need spiritually with my physical struggle. I decided that my intention the rest of this month is to read a daily portion (a long neglected habit) of the Bible using the phone app and I added daily reminder notifications (free app btw).

For physical food my intention is to eat mindfully. To think and slow down. I have been gulping and grabbing a lot lately as if I "deserve it" whatever that means.

I intend to check in the first week of September to revisit August Intentions and add or revise them for September.

Also I plan to keep walking --10,000 steps or more a day.


  1. Thanks for posting. August is always tough for me with the "I'm stressed with the start of school" as my pretty lame excuse for putting anything with food value in my mouth. I've been thinking about your monthly intentions and decided that I need to do some goal setting - I think I gained back that weight I'd lost as per doctor visit in a week PLUS 240 is not the cholesterol number that I want. So I'm thinking that starting yesterday I will alternate my mornings with arm weights and a pilates workout (from a DVD). Both only take about 20 minutes so are doable before work. I also have to now keep a tally of almonds that I eat between meals. I'm allowed to have 7 at a meal, but between meals = have to keep track. Can I have an "I'm gonna try" goal? If so, it is that I will do a cardio workout after school each!! day for at least 30 minutes (yoga will count as this).

  2. I'm gonna try is like my intentions. How's it going so far?
