Sunday, November 27, 2016


It has been a wonderful relaxing long weekend both of my kids came home and we enjoyed eating and doing a lot of nothing. I've kept up with all my eating and moving goals with one exception: when we went to a favorite restaurant on Friday night about 40 minutes away I decided ahead of time to have 3 of their delicious fried onion rings.Three is such a good number (one for greeting, one for good-bye, and one in-between). For the main meal on Thursday I skipped the rolls, dressing, and both types of potatoes but had plenty of turkey, green bean casserole (skipping most of the fried onions), and pie without crust. I made broccoli/cauliflower with cheese sauce baked with extra cheese on top a favorite of mine this year to supplement our usual more traditional sides. I have been eating pie for breakfast each morning along with turkey and gravy. getting extra sleep, and doing lots of Netflix-ing which has been a wonderful thing especially since these past few weeks have been extra busy.

At times I felt denied and a bit mournful not eating things I really enjoy. At other times it felt great to have a plan and to be satisfied with what I could have. Being mindful about getting out for a daily walk was a great addition to a mostly sedentary few days. I also find that since I don't eat these certain things I am less likely to eat (overeat) late into the night. Practicing eating a little of something indulgent such as the 3 fried onion rings gives me such pleasure, hope, and confidence in myself. I deeply value having my own philosophy regarding eating and moving.