Today's post title is a common phrase from the evil and hilarious villain from Little Shop of Horrors our HS's soon-to-be performed musical. As we enter into our final week of rehearsals I am both exhausted and exhilarated with the first leading to the second which in turn cycles around again. I am sticking to my eating and walking plans and have found that these changes are feeling like a natural part of me. Since Halloween I have become the candy lady, I brought our leftover candy on November 1st and handed it out to my HS students who each took a piece with glee. My work partner and I have continued to keep the basket filled ever since helping to break up the fatigue of lengthy rehearsals. The students think we do this for them when in reality it's our way of justifying our own need for a bit of sugar. I have noticed that I am more able to take a little candy as oppose to my tendency to overindulge in things like chips or popcorn. I've been packing myself light suppers and often have soothing tea and a light snack of nuts or seeds that I consume around 10 when I get home just before my head hits the pillow.
I had mentioned to my friend (work partner) Melody that I had been trying to walk 15 minutes. Meanwhile her youngest was given the goal of walking 18 miles in November. This has worked out well to have this common theme. Last Monday while our band students worked with a clinician we took a 20 minutes walk together around our local college campus, I initiated it and she quickly accepted my offer.
This month I added 1 minute daily planks, I am still working myself up to doing this without any breaks. I often put my knees down for a brief moment or stick my middle up high to relieve the tension for a moment. I can feel my core during the day in ways I didn't before, for example I was holding a long tone on the trumpet recently when I noticed I could feel my muscles engaging nicely.
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