Hello Readers,
This past week I finished watching season 20 of American Idol on Hulu (the live ABC broadcast airs on Hulu the next day). [Idol Spoilers Ahead] I really enjoyed the contestants and judges of this season. I have probably watched a total of three complete seasons of the show since it first aired in 2002. This year I was so impressed with how polished and emotional the singers were. The whole top 10 would have been great choices for the voting public (I don't vote). I am posting two videos of one of those top 10, Nicolina, both of her singing the song She Used to Be Mine from the Broadway musical Waitress. Waitress is a musical I would like to see, this song is so well written the tune brings emotion and the words speak of pain and of strength. The first video is of the Audition when Nicolina received the 'Golden Ticket' to go to Hollywood and the second video is the Finale where she performed the song with composer Sara Bareilles. I love how these two women share the stage. The composer/pianist looks so proud of the young artist singing her song -- Nicolina has so many dreams fulfilled and ahead of her. Lovely!
Thanks for reading.
Stay well,