Saturday, October 14, 2017

Signing off for now!

Hello everyone,
Things have gotten busy and this Blog is what is being cut out of my routine.
Thanks for reading and feel free to share with others &/or post a comment.
I continue to keep up with email and love to hear from anyone who is reading.
With much love,


  1. Don't know what led me to catch up on your blog today. I don't think I'd checked it since early August! Personally, I find myself at a critical juncture. My healthy trend stalled as soon as I applied for the job. It's as if stress eating is an inevitable component of being employed!! Which surprised me because my attitude about this job is so different from the last one. Pondering on this has helped me consider that, even though I'm at a psychologically healthier work environment, I carry grief and fears of failure from my past experiences as well as the inevitable lack of control that comes with the kind of work I do. I'm still finding myself mindlessly grabbing for the peanut butter, but hoping I can get on top of those urges....

    1. Nice to hear your thought processes as you adjust to a new job. I have no answers. I find that even when I am under healthy enjoyable stress, food is my way of pampering myself. I am not sure if has a meaning or better said how to curve myself consistently. Thanks so much for posting. Love you!

  2. I've been wondering if you were going to continue, and I totally understand that something has to go.
    What is is with us and stress eating? I'm also almost to the end of allergy season. I was getting winded walking up the stairs at work! I figure I'll be back to Zumba! Nov. 1. Meanwhile: pass the popcorn, and yes, butter please. What is up with that?
    Love you!

    1. Cheers to you as you take deep breaths! both literally and figuratively

      Love you too!
