Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sugar Addict?

I'm really wondering about my sugar intake. Am I addicted to sugar? I know I don't consume as much as some people  (I rarely to never drink any soda and desserts are a treat.) Still lately I notice I eat sweets more than I used to (ice cream often with fudge sauce, 1 teaspoon in morning coffee, chocolate whenever it's offered, lots of pie over the holidays). I don't think I have a deep problem but I don't want to develop one either. I'm thinking about taking the 3 day sugar cleanse shared here:

It says less than 15 grams of sugar per serving is OK. I'm gonna start by reading some labels. I'm presuming it's ok to eat fruit, I love an apple in my lunch and berries on my oatmeal.


  1. Sugar - there is a lot of research out there on this topic. Hugh's sister went sugar free for awhile and had all sorts of literature. I would need the fruit and other natural sugars to be okay; I was never sure with her if they were okay or not with her.

    I'm finding I need to make some changes as well - a friend is feeling this way too. Actually many of us are: School Is Taking Over! We don't workout, volunteer, do fun things, get together, etc. This is not really good on so many levels. Barb one time (20 years ago?) said that her goal was to do at least 30 minutes of something each day. This was before she had kids. I'm thinking that I need to find a balance.
    So anyway, Good luck with this 3 day cleanse. Thanks for listening / reading my rant. xo hlb

    1. Maybe start with one thing a month? I'm glad you have a friend with similar struggles, such a comfort. Thanks and hugs!
