Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Out of the Blue

 Dear Readers,

This week while I was shopping for groceries I noticed I had a voice message. Most of my messages are Spam calls but as I tried to listen to this one, even with the noise at Walmart, I quickly became aware that this was someone who knew me. I quickly found a quieter section of the store and listened again and I was stunned. The person, someone I've known for over 25 years, was calling to let me know how much I had encouraged them. I knew that they had been recently given some devastating news from their medical doctors but what I didn't know was that they had also struggled for years with depression. They wanted me to know that by writing, posting, and sharing my own different but similar story they had felt strengthed and encouraged and that they were not going to hide anymore. I had no idea. To me, this person is so full of joy and someone that amazes me with their constant energy and zeal for life. This call encourages me to keep sharing as I never know what lives I (and you too!) may be touching. May we all let those that have helped us know what they mean to us so that we may spur them on to continue on the path and serve others. 

Thanks for reading.

With much gratitude,

Amy BH


  1. yes to this! All that we do matters because someone is always watching even though we don't realize it or who is watching. I hope this comes across as I intend. I too appreciate the strength of you.

    1. I agree and thanks how kind - I feel the same about you --XOXO

  2. Wow! Holy Ground.
    It's probably clear that I wrote my comment on the 5/28 blog before reading this post. Blown away by the reinforcement to be grateful for the encouragers, as well as the encouragement to be an encourager. So powerful. labf

    1. Yes Holy Ground is a great way to put it. I feel I should have emphasized above how much this person had been on my mind lately due to their recent diagnosis deepening the shock when they reached out to me in such an uplifting way. When I called them back they wanted to be sure I fully understood that they were going to use their recent medical diagnosis as a way to strengthen their mental health and faith.

  3. We never know the impact we have on others. Miss you friend! ❤️

    1. You spur me on Megan -- I hope you're having a great summer, deserved!
