Friday, December 10, 2021

Stress vs. Symptoms

 Hello Readers,

Last Sunday I recorded the podcast I mentioned in my last post. It has become more clear to me through the conversation I had with my doctor last Sunday the importance of accepting that circumstances did not cause or trigger my diagnosis or manic episode(s) last year. I was having stress, yes and I was experiencing many major events in my life. However, these events did not cause the symptoms I was having. And, had I known my diagnosis, I probably could have avoided the hospital stay(s) by getting in to see my doctor instead. As an update, for the last few months, I have been stable. I continue to go for regular visits with my team so that I have objective views of how I'm doing. I have been fortunate to find stability so quickly and will celebrate and continue to manage myself as I have shared in previous posts. I recognize in myself that I have developed a fear of stress - I relate stress to my manic behavior last year. With that being said I have some good stress news to share - I have a new job!

I was interviewed and offered the position this week and today I am traveling about an hour away to a small college (roughly 1300 students) in rural Nebraska. I am receiving training to be a supervisor for one of their student teachers next semester. The college is a bit of a drive but I will only be required to make a similar drive five times during the course. The timing couldn't be better since a job that I had last semester for the same amount of hours just finished. I have a lot to learn and it feels a bit overwhelming to see all the paperwork that is involved but the staff has already shown they are excited to have me on board and will be there to support me.

I appreciate you and hope the holidays hold a special meaning of love, joy, peace, and hope.

Thanks for reading.

Stay well,

Amy BH


  1. Congratulations on the new job adventure. I bet there is a lot of paperwork for supervising a student teacher. Even I recall that from my student teaching days.
    I find it very interesting about how the event could have been managed if you'd known the diagnosis. I think knowing that would help with stress! I love that your team seems to really know what you need to help you with your journey. Thank you for sharing, and I'm looking forward to the podcast link.
    with love and care, hlb

    1. Thanks!

      I feel like it all goes together sort of like not wearing a coat may lead to getting a cold. We all need to stay well as best we can. Thanks for the lovely support. 💗

  2. Congratulations on the new job!
    And I really like the comparison of not wearing a coat, as well as the wisdom that we all need to stay well as best we can.
    A few days ago I finished the book you mentioned a few blog posts ago (The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide...). Before returning it to the library I copied "A Quick Sheet on Bipolar Disorder for Family Members" and jotted down this sentence, "...episodes are intervals when your mood, activity level, thinking patterns, and sleep all change at the same time" (this quote came in the context of the refrain throughout the book that bipolar disorder is a medical condition). I mention it only because it helped me wrap my brain around how there are multiple factors and at the same time they have a definite framework.
    Your strength and wisdom over the past year has been inspiring. Thanks for sharing <3

    1. Thanks! And also what a great quote/concept. I had not heard that "at the same time" before...very helpful. Much love 💗
