I am really struggling with what to intend this month as is evident in the fact that it's already the 13th. I decided I need to look inward and upward. A friend of mine that I know through grad school suggested (in July) a phone app called First 5 that has daily scripture readings and devotional thoughts. I had mentioned to her that I had been struggling spiritually since my Dad died (Sept 2013) I downloaded the app but hadn't been using it. Today my pastor preached on The Lord's Prayer "give us this day our daily bread". Later a dear friend from out of town talked to me on the phone and said she'd been thinking a lot about our need for God's Daily Bread. A sort of lightbulb went off when she said that, I connected my need spiritually with my physical struggle. I decided that my intention the rest of this month is to read a daily portion (a long neglected habit) of the Bible using the phone app and I added daily reminder notifications (free app btw).
For physical food my intention is to eat mindfully. To think and slow down. I have been gulping and grabbing a lot lately as if I "deserve it" whatever that means.
I intend to check in the first week of September to revisit August Intentions and add or revise them for September.
Also I plan to keep walking --10,000 steps or more a day.